Command line options of norikra-client
norikra-client admin CMD ...ARGS # norikra server administrations
norikra-client event CMD ...ARGS # send/fetch events
norikra-client field CMD ...ARGS # manage target field/datatype definitions
norikra-client help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
norikra-client query CMD ...ARGS # manage queries
norikra-client target CMD ...ARGS # manage targets
# Default: localhost
# Default: 26571
norikra-client target close TARGET # close existing target and all its queries
norikra-client target help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
norikra-client target list # show list of targets
norikra-client target modify TARGET BOOL_VALUE # modify target to do define fields automatically or not
norikra-client target open TARGET [fieldname1:type1 [fieldname2:type2 [fieldname3:type3] ...]] # create new target (and define its fields)
norikra-client field add TARGET FIELDNAME TYPE # reserve fieldname and its type of target
norikra-client field help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
norikra-client field list TARGET # show list of field definitions of specified target
norikra-client query add QUERY_NAME QUERY_EXPRESSION # register a query
norikra-client query help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
norikra-client query list # show list of queries
norikra-client query remove QUERY_NAME # deregister a query
norikra-client event fetch QUERY_NAME # fetch events from specified query
norikra-client event help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
norikra-client event send TARGET # send data into targets
norikra-client event see QUERY_NAME # see events of specified query, but not delete
norikra-client event sweep [query_group_name] # fetch all output events of all queries of default (or specified) query group
norikra-client admin help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
norikra-client admin stats # dump stats json: same with norikra server's --stats option